Thank you very much for the endless support towards the realisation of my dream. I have so far received the first success and achievement I was ever asking myself how I will reach at it.
I appreciate your efforts my team. Extra thanks to Mr. Edmond who has been encouraging me all the time not to give up , he has managed me well and managed to help me improve my product which has become a better product compared to what i used to produce before i joined CURAD.
My story is a bit touching but I thank you so much.
Moses Katta thanks for encouraging me
Beatrice, thanks for your time and courage you gave me when you visited my place which was the factory. I knew I gave you my product that time and it was not all that good but you guys , you managed to drink it and even buy xanax tablets online continued to give positive feedback.
I can not stop thanking you team
I promise to invite you one day and you see how far i have moved now with the product you improved
Mr. Segawa Apollo , i know we have never met before but thanks for having a good team that can put some skills at work , many incubetees have not managed to make it through due to various challenges, but keep the candle lighting , a few of those who have tried to put what your dream is into action , will create your legacy.
I would request for any meeting with you in case I am availed a chance to come with my team and officially hand in over our finally developed brand and product to your office , since we have acquired the UNBS mark certification.
Kind reagrds
Abdallah Kigozi
CURAD Incubetee: Aabii Tamarind Juice